Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Magaidi On Both Sides -


This is the list from which you'll find out whether I eat guacamoli, fart in bed, pee in the shower or terrorize your pets. This is me right here!

1. I'm the consumate free spirit, as long as there's a will, I will find a way!
2. This has at times in the past been seen as an arrogance about myself
3. I usually shrugged it away and continued on..(refer to #2)
4. I get this from my beloved mom..
5. Who is the single greatest person I know in this world
6. Because she rose from humble begginings to the top of the corporate world and still held our family together.
7. She spoils us with her extraordinary cooking abilities
8. Baby gal contends her mom can cook better than mine,
9. I say baby gal needs to go to rehab or should schedule a therapy session soon.
10. Baby gal is the love of my life, we talk every single day about everything!..
11. She loves teddy bears and cats
12. Oddly I have come to love them too..
13. Which is a far stretch from back in the day when I was bila feelings
14. Well, let's just say our resident cat and I engaged in running battles akin the 'shock and awe' attack witnessed on Baghdad
15. It was only fair coz he'd killed (or should I say, intentionally assasinated) my bird (R.I.P 'Spirit')
16. I love animals and pets
17. As long as they require only minimal human supervision
18. So I guess i'll settle for a cat.
19. I maintain a pretty simple lifestyle
20. Not easily dissuaded by fads or trends, I have my style and i'm good with it.
21. I love music - period.
22. My big bro was a DJ and so I kind of followed in his footsteps for a while
23. He's played with the best of them from Bryo of vibestar/carnivore, magic myke - vibestar, Morii of Studio B, hussein abdallah,babu..you name it from back in the day
24. I love soul, old school hip hop, neo soul, soft rock!-luv it!,genge,e.t.c..refer to#21.
25. I hate stereotyes/ stereotypical views
26. I also have very little patience for people who use sweeping generalizations - "Kenyan men this Kenyan women that.." nonsense
27. I once attempted to be a vegetarian..
28. Those were the two longest days of my life.
29. I've been told, (on numerous occasions) that I am an excellent cook.( had to mention this!)hehehe
30. This I believe stems from a personality that is very independent. I just do it the way I watched my mom do it (refer to #7)
31. Having said that, I also have the worst eating habits.
32. I can easily eat mokimo for breakfast, cookies for lunch and popcorn for dinner.
33. This drives baby gal crazy, and she's mentioned the habit to my mom who had observed with absolute and sheer amazement as I drank water for breakfast on my way to work a couple of years ago.
34. Breakfast was ready on the table the next day though so I can't compain.
35. I thoroughly enjoy having my friends over.
36. I have friends to die for.
37. They've seen me at my best and worst and are still very close to me.
38. I like to think/ and try always to offer as much to them as they do to me.
39. My love life - I consider a pretty private affair although I will menion tit bits here and there
40. I've only had two serious relationships. - 2 very special ladies in my life
41. We're still in touch with my first love
42. Was caught up in a messy entangled web of lies and deception a few years back, her dude was cheating on her.
43. I knew the dude - dude knew me, we'd been friends.
44. This, my friends is a DIABOLICAL situation, a lose-lose deal
45. Some chics see baby gal and I and ask me about relationships
46. My answer is usually a generic one: if you want the perfect guy, make yourself the perfect chic
47.O.K now hold on right there. I'm not saying i'm the perfect dude by any stretch of your [vivid] imagination, I just try like the next dude.
48. Relationships aren't that complicated if you ask me
49. I think if we can get clear pictures from a rover on planet mars - we can definitely solve issues on relationships
50.This is not being naive..i'm just being me (refer to #1)
51. I'm particularly corny with kids.
52. Our next door neighbors' kid knew that 'my car' could fly.
My small bro 'knew for a fact' that I was born in China for a good portion of his life.
54. I am told that my looks are very deceiving and I appear to be very shy.
55. I think people may try to take advantage of my nonaggressive nature
56. I have the best sister in the whole wide world and beyond.
57. At a tender age, she has reached astounding levels in her career and is the most down to earth person you'll ever meet.
58. She claims I inspire her but she knows it's the other way around.
59. I'm also inspired by self-made people. You don't have to be rich, just an independent thinker, confident in his/her ways. - case in point: My mom.(refer again to #6)
60. I love reading, but mainly biographies, real events and life stories.
61. Truth be told though, if there's a movie about a book, i'd rather watch it.
62. I know I know, I miss out a lot but it's the gist I look for.
63. Back in high school ('Changez' - Lenana School), I suffered a horrific accident while playing rugby.
64. I'd gone down to tackle a dude when a guy behind him also came flying and landed squarely on my nose, broke it. I also suffered a dislocated jaw.
65. Was out of school for an extended period of time but came back in time to make the Prescott Final team - yeah I'm crazy I know.
66. Winning that thing was sweetness akin to [this part left blank because content would've been inappropriate for our younger readers]. - you get the message.
67. I'm not shy.(refer to #49) disregard this at your own peril.
68. When I shamelessly laughed while watching Titanic at the site of a dude, barrelling to his demise who made rapid acquaintances with a post jutting out on the stern, babygal and the people around us gave me looks of disbelief and utter resentment like I had chewed their popcorn.
69. I was informed after the movie that I needed to (and I quote verbatum), "re-examine what it is that you find amusing because you obviously have a warped sense of humor"
70. I find myself in these situations alot.
71. My best movie of all time is 'The Godfather', but I must admin 'Ghosts Of Kilimanjaro' made quite an impact on me.
72. It was after all, the first movie I ever watched and understood comprehensively.
73. Others on my top 10 list include 'Matrix-revolution', 'Shrek1 &2', 'Good Fellas','A Bronx Tale','Training day'..among others.
74. I shamelessly enjoy cartoons and Nickelodeon - the kids channel.
75. I have had some of the worst blunders known to mankind during dates when I was younger.
76. I once truthfully lost my wallet after getting to a movie theatre with a chic, needless to say she paid for my ticket and my fare back,
77. There wasn't a second date.
78. I have also been caught napping on a movie date - I blame the exhaustion and boring movie(City Of Angels by Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan) the chic had chosen, she blamed me.
79. This time there was a second date, only that she brought her friend incase I slept during the movie.
80. I went for the third date with her friend, she turned out to be my first serious relationship!.
81. How's that for a turn of events?
82. I have also attempted the unthinkable, - wax lyrical on three chics who were cube-mates in school without them knowing about it.
83. Chics are bright, they figured it out and countered by asking me out on a date on the same! day on different letters ofcourse.- they knew it and pretended as if they didn't!
84. I countered back - declined all three invitations, sighting an out of town engagement I had had prior to this. I requested that we defer the issue until schools had been closed.
85. They checked back 'dissappointed', I ended up with three dates on a back-to back to back schedule, they sent me a letter together claiming that I had been busted.
86. We remain good friends still though and have a chuckle each time we reminisce about this.
87. 13 more to go.
88. My favorite drink is a mixture of orange juice (the real orange juice) and coke/pepsi/cola.
89. Favorite color is a dark shade of brown. (I kid you not!)
90. I'm a sucker for cookies.
91. My ideal day off would be spending the whole day watching TNT - Law and Order with milk and cookies next to me.
92. I have attempted to play golf on numerous occasions.
93. Tiger Woods/Phil Mickelson et al can rest easy wherever they are.
94. The fact that I was an alter boy back in the day is very amusing to my friends.
95. I don't spend as much time as I should at the church.
96. My personal opinion on religion is that there is God and then there is religion.
97. I try to steer away from arguments on religion being that they never resolve anything.
98. I respect those people who respect themselves.
99. I am the quintessential jumpy dude always high on energy.
100. I love who I am and what i've become - a product of my family's efforts.
101. I'm the consumate kid raised by the village.
102. And I try to give back as much as I can.
103. I love my family, friends and my people to death.
104. This is me.


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

-i don't think i'll recover ati u an ALTER BOY!!!! when? where?
-Titanic-I feel you that was a fresh comedy!!! Ati "Am cold,Jack!" what was she expecting?
-u almost sounded like me so i am kinda spooked
-next time u dislocate ur jaw u know who to call-ha!

loved the list

At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have laughed at this:
"like I had chewed their popcorn."

Maigaidi, it was worth the wait.

Hata sijui what else to say other than from what I have read you sound like a wonderful person. I am with you on the bad eating habits. Nothing beats mashed potatoes and gravy at 2 am.

Thank you for the list
p.s I have been looking for your email but can't find it. I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words. It was a very sweet gesture.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Magaidi said...

@Nick - I served the church well.!! I am told that laughing during chic flicks is avoiding the emotion inside, like you don't wanna cry. Bollocks! I say.

thanks though, and sorry for the mix up with the email. You had me laughing deadly!!

@MJY - Thank you for the compliments :) You're too kind. Mashed Potatoes and gravy at 2AM? Haaiya! And here I was thinking i'm the only one. LOL.

My email addy is Magaidiafrika@yahoo.com
I thought the article did go over the top so I had to chip in my 2 cents. Hopefully with all the support you've gotten from other bloggers you'll be fine.

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nicest thing about this list and what stands out the most, IMHO, is your love for the three women in your life - your mother, sister and lover.

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol... I enjoyed that very much, especially the ones abot being a veggie. My 6 years of vegetarianism have gone by quite quickly!

Anyway, thanks for making me laugh & helping me to aviod the school work for a bit longer.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Afromusing said...

Hilarious!i jua dudes like you who lived and breathed rugby, a guy dislocated his shoulder, then proceeded to pop it back on the field! Mgaidi kabisa, very nice, very nice.

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

# 53 had me on the floor! LOL!!!

At 5:12 AM, Blogger M said...

I feel you in the injuries chief -- once had the back of my hand split open almost to the bone by some dude's spikes, and finsished the game

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Guessaurus said...

I thought I was the only one who laughed while watching Titanic - you and me should talk!!!

Great list, you DO sound like a nice human. And a man who admits to loving his woman, you are rated way (raising hands way up)up there.
Enjoy the ride, Magaidi.

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Magaidi said...

@mshairi,Guessaurus,Megan, Kenyan Pundit,m - Thank you all very much! thanks for the compliments!! I enjoyed doing this.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Magaidi said...

@afromusing - hey it was eat,breath and sleep the darn thing..it was a mini-religion.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Ms K said...

Brillient brilliant brilliant. I'm with Guess and Mshairi. Any man who can admit to loving the women in his life.... cool beans!

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where do you get time to post 104 comments about yourself? get a life!


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